Alahra Valkhir, Scion Vanguard


Gender: Female (cisgender) — Orientation: Bisexual (strong femme preference)
Race: Miqo'te — Clan: Keepers of the Moon (Valkhir Tribe)
Age: 36 — Nameday: 30th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Family: Ahrane Valkhir (mother, estranged), Lynahra Valkhir (half-sister), Eilyhra Valkhir (cousin), two kits
Combat Disciplines: Archery, blades, martial arts, stealth
Supernatural Disciplines: Chakra manipulation, ninjutsu, dark aether usage
Background: Matron's daughter, tribal huntress, adventurer
Occupation: Infiltration specialist for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn
Likes: Alchemy, books, fashion, smokeweed, whiskey, wine, women
Dislikes: Her mother, Seeker men
Seeking: Friends with benefits, sparring partners, fellow Scions

Often quiet and reserved, Alahra is fiercely loyal to those she cares about and more flirtatious with those she fancies than she likes to admit. Outcast from her nocturnal miqo'te tribe, she eventually acclimated to a diurnal cycle and lives now as a semi-retired adventurer in Eorzea and proud member of the Maelstrom, the Grand Company sworn to the state of Limsa Lominsa—at least outwardly. In truth, she serves the Scions of the Seventh Dawn as an infiltration specialist and ultimately lives something of a double life to protect her privacy and personal life. Even when not on active duty with the Scions, she sometimes takes odd jobs or allows herself to be dragged into some adventure or another. Though a warrior and hunter at heart, she is fascinated by various scholarly pursuits, with the field of alchemy being of particular interest.Raised as a huntress among her people and an experienced adventurer, Alahra is fit, and she takes great pride in the work she does to maintain her athletic figure, which is adorned head-to-toe with the markings of the Valkhir, not unlike those of a tiger. As she approaches middle age, Alahra's penchant for sweets and the birth of her kits have given her body softness (primarily in "enjoyable" places), which she has complicated feelings about. As is tradition among the highborn women of the Valkhir, Alahra has not cut her hair since reaching adulthood (aside from trimming, to keep it from becoming "unruly"), and when not thoroughly braided or kept in a ponytail, it extends most of the way down her back; however, given her dangerous lifestyle, she rarely lets it down. Though her attire varies, she favors tall boots (particularly a high-heeled variant of a popular Ishgardian style) and is proud enough of her body that she often flaunts her womanly curves, especially in social settings. Recently, she has begun to cover an "unsightly" scar over her left eye in public, and the nature of the wound is something of a sore spot for her.In her personal life (outside of her work as a Scion), Alahra sometimes develops a reputation among those who frequent the night life of places she visits regularly, such as Ul'dah (where she travels for business), Limsa Lominsa (where she makes her residence), and Kugane (where she sometimes takes holiday). When out on the town, so to speak, Alahra can most often be found nursing a glass of cheap red wine or a hand-rolled, herbal cigarette, frequently switching one for the other throughout the night. On such occasions, it's not unheard of for her to bed an intriguing new acquaintance, and she's known to have a strong preference for miqo'te women.

Hook: The Lonely Coeurl

Since retiring from active duty both with the Maelstrom and (ostensibly) the Scions, Alahra has more free time than she is used to and a burgeoning wanderlust. Additionally, with most of her contacts outside of family being professional ones (and her familial ties being complicated), she longs for new relationships and experiences, whether platonic, romantic, sexual, or some combination of all three. Her habit of placing up walls with new acquaintances makes this difficult for her, but she often comes to greatly adore those with the patience to get past her metaphorical defenses.

Hook: The Retired Veteran

Alahra's adventuring life has spanned the width and breadth of the star, and while she avoids speaking of her work as a Scion in specific, her experience could be of use to fledgling adventurers. As a participant in multiple conflicts on a grand scale (such as the Dragonsong War or the liberation of Ala Mhigo and Doma from Garlean rule), she relates readily to others who have seen difficult times such as these. With time, she may even open up about her Scion status and some of the more wondrous things she has seen, such as the aftermath of the Final Days.

Hook: Sensual Sparring

In Alahra's youth, it was common for members of a hunting pack to spar and wrestle, with such diversions often spilling into the sexual. Though she is long divorced from her life as one of the Valkhir, she often misses this element of her younger days, resulting in a particular soft spot for women who can match or even best her in such a contest. While she is normally fond of paramours who are particularly romantic, few things make her heart pound like a bout where sex is the prize—and all the better if she finds a dedicated "sparring" partner.

Hook: "Professional" Liasons

Although Alahra is officially retired, her work with the Scions continues, providing ample opportunity for meetings and connections both with her fellow Scions and others. While many of these connections remain professional, some of them might develop into more personal relationships.

Out of Character Info

I'm primarily looking for in-depth character interactions by way of erotic roleplaying—that kind of spice makes character introductions exciting and keeps things that way as two characters get to know one another better over time. I write in a semi-paragraph to paragraph style (usually ranging from one to two text boxes in FFXIV, for reference), though I scale up or down as needed for the texture of a scene: sometimes a couple of sentences works well for keeping a brisk pace, while other times a longer post can be useful for lingering on a particular indulgent moment. A typical scene with me might take 3-4 hours, with first meetings sometimes taking a little longer since they can require more initial introduction and setup. If you're looking for a quickie, I'm probably not your girl, though once a story is in motion, a quick little romp can be fun from time to time.I only accept in-character approaches for a first scene (because I'm loathe to spend time on setup only to find that things don't click once the writing begins), but after establishing that we have writing and character chemistry, I don't mind out-of-character chat and discussions of ideas for future scenes. If we click, I like to write further scenes after a successful first "date," so don't be shy about expressing further interest! I promise that I'm already shy enough for the both of us, and because I have so much more time than most other players, I tend to let people tell me when they've got time to write, rather than pestering them.For sex-centered play, I'm primarily looking for feminine tops to write with (trans or otherwise). If you play something else, my lack of desire is nothing personal, and simply a matter of what I enjoy writing. While I do write sex with characters of other gender on rare occasions, those occasions really are rare (I can count the number of times I've done so in over ten years of writing on FFXIV on one hand). Again, I want to stress that this is just a matter of personal tastes when it comes to physical attraction, and it's absolutely not a judgement on your choice of character! While I do write non-sexual scenes, I tend to do so only with folks I know already—but I'll sometimes make an exception to that with a strong approach or hook. Those interested will find more in-depth information on Alahra and her sexuality at the F-List link in the navigation buttons.If you're the sort to reinvent your characters semi-regularly, closing off the potential for future interaction with whatever burgeoning story we might be writing together or you're just looking to get off a couple of times and never write again, I'd prefer that you seek others for your roleplaying interests.

Approaching Alahra

When approaching Alahra for roleplay, please begin in-character in a private message, as this is the fastest way to see how our writing styles work together, and I don't usually pay much attention to public channels when seeking. Do something to get her attention or make your character stand out, as she is usually distracted (much like her player) and tends not to pay much attention to the crowd. Offer to buy her a drink, offer a novel or amusing compliment, fall flat on your face in front of her, or otherwise make an interesting first impression—whatever works for your character! In new encounters, Alahra and her player look for chemistry and an enjoyable back and forth, first and foremost. Going into the scene with intent—that is, for your character to have something they want from Alahra and to be willing to pursue that desire, whether it's sex or something else—tends to make a huge difference!I do not play with anyone after first making contact with them out-of-character. If you are interested in roleplaying with me, it is mandatory that you first approach IC.Please note that I play Alahra "authentically," in that she reacts to things as her character would, even to the detriment of further development. This may mean that she responds to someone else's actions negatively, such as in cases of behavior she finds insulting or off-putting, even when I myself might find a given scenario enjoyable in some way or another. I do not "bend" her character to ensure that she gets along with an individual she would not realistically get along with, even if I'm typically seeking roleplay to write smut. This is especially relevant for first meetings, where a poor first impression might close off the potential for future roleplay. I've done what I can to create a proper impression of her and the things she finds off-putting in this profile to give folks an idea of what to avoid, but I also can't anticipate every possible approach someone might take.As a result, not all approaches will land, just like in real life, but all in-character approaches have a better chance of working than most out-of-character approaches. Thanks for your understanding on my preference here. I know most people prefer to start out of character first, but that just doesn't work for me on a personal level.